Embarking on the autonomous material handling revolution: A glance on LogiMAT in Stuttgart – Germany

The largest intralogistics event in Europe.

With over 1,500 exhibitors and more than 62,000 visitors in just three days, this event provided
the perfect platform to meet industry experts and witness innovative solutions in action.

Our attendance at LogiMAT was driven by three main objectives:

  • Exploring new solutions for autonomous material handling

While many of the solutions showcased at the event were familiar and well-established, one
technology stood out among the rest – AGVs (Automated Guided Vehicles). AGVs offer a
promising solution for streamlining material handling processes and improving overall
efficiency. With their ability to navigate autonomously and carry out tasks without human
intervention, AGVs have the potential to significantly enhance the intralogistics industry.

  • Staying updated on the latest trends and developments in the sector

With the ever-evolving landscape of intralogistics, it is crucial for us to remain at the forefront
of industry knowledge. By immersing ourselves in this event, we gained valuable insights into
current market trends and emerging technologies.

  • Strengthening our relationships and partnerships with key players in the MHE industry

By engaging with these industry leaders, we were able to foster stronger connections and
explore potential collaborations.

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